Friday, June 14, 2024

Legend In The Making: Tommy Robinson


British-Pakistani researchers say 84% of grooming gang members are Asian: 'It's very important we talk about it' Call for action comes as Bradford records 62 per cent rise in the number of referrals to its specialist child sexual exploitation service Rotherham grooming gangs may have abused more than 1,500 victims, investigators reveal Mother of another ‘love jihad’ victim moves SC Right-wing group Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) released a list of 400 alleged ‘love jihad cases’ Thursday, renewing their demand for a central law that would prevent instances of Muslim men marrying non-Muslim girls with the sole aim of religious conversion. In 1968 Mahesh Upadhyaya became the first person in the UK to bring a racial discrimination case to court using the recently introduced Race Relations Act 1968. Ireland and Britain: 800 Years of Conflict Video: Mirrored: 2017 Tommy Robinson & Tapan Ghosh ji How Anjem Choudary's mouth was finally shut - The flag of Islam will fly over Downing Street, was his favourite prediction, followed by some kind of rhetorical flourish. "The Muslims are rising to establish the Sharia... Pakistan, Afghanistan and perhaps, my dear Muslims, Londonistan." The Muslims invaded India at the time of Mu‘aawiyah, in 44 AH, and there occurred things which will be explained below. It was also invaded by the great ruler Mahmoud ibn Sabuktagin, the ruler of Ghaznah who conquered India around 400 AH. He invaded the land, where he killed, took prisoners, and captured booty. He entered Somnath where he broke the greatest idol that they used to worship, and he captured its swords and necklaces. Then he returned, safe and victorious. End quote. Al-Bidaayah wa’n-Nihaayah (6/223) The Book of Jihad Chapter: The Battle Expedition of India(41)باب غَزْوَةِ الْهِنْدِ ‏.‏ It was narrated that Thawban, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), said: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'There are two groups of my Ummah whom Allah will free from the Fire: The group that invades India, and the group that will be with 'Isa bin Maryam, peace be upon him.'" Surely those who deny Allah and His messengers and wish to make a distinction between Allah and His messengers,1 saying, “We believe in some and disbelieve in others,” desiring to forge a compromise, they are indeed the true disbelievers. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment. Whoever seeks a way other than Islam,1 it will never be accepted from them, and in the Hereafter they will be among the losers. Surely those who reject Our signs, We will cast them into the Fire. Whenever their skin is burnt completely, We will replace it so they will ˹constantly˺ taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. "Indeed, those who disbelieve from the People of the Book and the polytheists will be in the Fire of Hell, to stay there forever. They are the worst of ˹all˺ beings." My Video links: British Raj 1940: Sri Aurobindo - Hindu-Muslim Unity Myth Ibn Battuta (1304–1368) Islamic slave trade and the Hindu Holocaust The Islamic-Hindu slave trade: The poet Amir Khusrau testified Pakistani Muslims threaten Hindu Girl: Smethwick (U.K) Temple Attack! My review on Gadar 2 & it's Importance | Ghazwa-e-Hind (Islamification of India!)

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