Friday, June 14, 2024

CONVERT OR DIE: Persecution of Ahmadiyya Muslims


#Palestine #Ahmadiyya #Muslim 2016: 'Kill Ahmadis' leaflets found in UK mosque. Leaflets calling for the killing of a sect of Muslims have been found in a south London mosque. Piles of the flyers, which say Ahmadis should face death if they refuse to convert to mainstream Islam, were displayed in Stockwell Green mosque. The leaflet was authored by an ex-head of Khatme Nabuwwat, a group which lists the mosque as its "overseas office". Charity watchdog launches investigation into 'kill Ahmadis' mosque Ahmadiyya Muslim killed in apparent sectarian attack in Taunsa, Pakistan According to family members, the victim was a dual British-Pakistani citizen, and this was his first tour back home after migrating to Britain. On Wednesday 11th January 2023, terrorists forcefully entered a Mosque of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Burkina Faso, killing nine worshippers in an unprovoked and cold-blooded attack. Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. British Raj, proselytizing Protestant Christianity, and resurgent Hinduism.4 Thus, the Ahmadiyya community believes that Ahmad conceived the community as a revivalist movement within Islam and not as a new religion. One of the allegations raised against the Promised Messiahas is that he was an agent of the British, planted to create division among the Muslims and break Islam from within Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad Khalifatul-Masih IV(rta) delivered this sermon on March 8, 1985 at the Fazl Mosque London. It deals with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at’s enormous support in the struggle for the independence of Kashmir and Palestine. Muhammed is not your daddy Muḥammad is not the father of any of your men, but is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. And Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things. Say, “He ˹alone˺ has the power to unleash upon you a torment from above or below you or split you into ˹conflicting˺ factions and make you taste the violence of one another.” See how We vary the signs, so perhaps they will comprehend. ‘Abdallah b. ‘Amr reported God's messenger as saying, “My people will experience what the B. Isra’il experienced, as closely as one sandal resembles another. If they had among them one who openly- had intercourse with his mother, among my people there will be one who does that. The B. Isra’il divided into 72 sects, but my people will divide into 73 sects, all of which but one will go to hell.” On being asked which it was, he replied, “It is the one to which I and my companions belong.” Tirmidhi transmitted it. A version by Ahmad and Abu Dawud from Mu'awiya has, “Seventy-two will be in hell and one in paradise, it being the community. And folk will come forth from among my people in whom those passions will run as does hydrophobia in one who suffers from it, permeating every vein and joint.” Narrated Abu Hurairah: that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "The Jews split into seventy-one sects, or seventy-two sects, and the Christians similarly, and my Ummah will split into seventy-three sects." Whoever seeks a way other than Islam,1 it will never be accepted from them, and in the Hereafter they will be among the losers Surely those who reject Our signs, We will cast them into the Fire. Whenever their skin is burnt completely, We will replace it so they will ˹constantly˺ taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.

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